Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
We encourage you to be #healthysexual at SPEKTRUM Health. We want you to have sex, but we want you to be safe and healthy! We offer a variety of sexual health services to prevent and maintain a health sex life. Treatments such as TaSP & PrEP!

Common STD/STIs:
Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Hepatitis, HIV, Herpes (HSV1,2)
We can provide treatment for all of these if you schedule an appointment with us.
We also offer comprehensive STD screening! No insurance? NO PROBLEM! We have affordable self-pay options that include all diagnostic and screening tests! These STD screening packages start at $150. This covers the most common STDs. If you prefer more advanced testing please talk to your provider during your appointment to learn about additional options. Or, if you have insurance we are happy to work with them for payment too!
No need to wait for results! If you are having symptoms we offer SAME DAY TREATMENT.