A Better HIV prevention/treatment experience
PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis)
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis is a treatment regimen using a once daily tablet to create cellular resistance to the HIV virus. When used properly, in addition to safer sexual practices it is has been proven effective at reducing your risk of getting HIV by up to 99%! Fun fact ~ PrEP is more effective at preventing HIV than condoms are at preventing pregnancy!
TaSP (Treatment as Prevention)
Treatment As Prevention (or TaSP as it is called) is a treatment regimen for people living with HIV to maintain undetectable (and therefore untrabnsmittable status). In addition to maintaining good health, TaSP patients who maintain undetectable status are also protecting their sexual partners from getting the virus!
PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis)
Life happens! Accidents happen! If you have a possible or suspected exposure to the HIV virus and would like to have another level of emergency protection you may qualify for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP). There is a very small timeframe to initiate this regimen so call us right away! (407)454-1363 we have emergency appointments for this situation!

No insurance? NO PROBLEM! Use our CarePath program! Available to qualified individuals who require PrEP, PEP and TaSP!
To Qualify for the CarePath program:
*Cannot have health insurance.
*Make less than 62K per year.
*Provide income statements, unemployment information, or a letter explaining your status.
*Cannot be enrolled in ADAP (we will enroll you once on the program though).
*ANY age, ANY gender identity, ANY race or ethnicity.
*Cititzenship documents are not required.
*Must utlizie one of our network partners for medical/lab/medication delivery.
Through our robust network of resources and patient assistance partnerships we can get virtually ANYONE HIV/PrEP medication for FREE!
You do NOT need “ID” (Infectious Disease) for your HIV management and/or PrEP!
HIV is appropriately managed by Primary Care Providers (PCPs). All of our providers are certified in primary care, with special training and experience in HIV management and prevention.